Membership Categories

Find out which membership category best suits you from the list below.

Forensic Practitioner

A registered doctor working as a forensic pathologist or psychiatrist, or regulated clinician working in custody medicine, or sexual offence medicine. Forensic odontolgists (dentists working in forensic practice) would also qualify in this category.

Medically Qualified Coroner

Coroners who have a medical qualification

Medico-Legal Adviser

A registered doctor, employed by a defence/indemnity organization, a legal firm (or the like), or offering such services independently, to provide help, advice and assistance with medico-legal matters, including complaints, regulatory, and professional disciplinary matters.

Dento-Legal Adviser

A registered dentist, employed by a defence/indemnity organization, a legal firm (or the like), or offering such services independently, to provide help, advice and assistance with dento-legal matters, including complaints, regulatory, and professional disciplinary matters.

Secure and Detained Settings

For all doctors, nurses, pharmacy staff and other clinicians in the multidisciplinary team caring for and supporting patients in prisons and other secure settings – we are working with the other Royal Colleges to develop guidance and training to support best practice.

Medical Examiner / Reviewers

Working as Medical Reviewers in Scotland or as Medical Examiners in the other devolved countries;


If you are interested in the field of forensic and legal medicine but are not yet working in the field.