Conducted Energy Device HCP Assessment Training Course

In line with the recent NPCC circular we are keen to hear from clinicians and providers regarding demand for the training course.

The circular by NPCC advises that where a nurse or paramedic (who does not have an ACP qualification equivalent to the RCEM credentialing scheme) is to assess individuals post CED discharge they must have undergone:

Induction training in General Forensic Medicine via a course following the FFLM syllabus and standards for this induction training


A bespoke CED course approved by the FFLM and supported by the NPCC

It should be noted that there is no requirement for providers to change to using nurses or paramedics. Where they are already compliant with national requirements for post-CED assessment no costs or additional training need to be incurred.

The additional training (which will initially be provided by the FFLM) is only necessary where providers wish to expand their current post-CED assessment to include nurses and paramedics.

Courses will (in line with our not-for-profit and charitable status) aim to be delivered at cost. In order to aid minimising costs in delivering this course we would appreciate both providers and forces ascertaining if there are police facilities available in their areas for groups of 20 candidates to receive the training course with appropriate social distancing.

Please note that all attendees on these courses must have attended induction training in General Forensic Medicine via a course following the FFLM syllabus and standards for this induction training.

Course fees are:

1-10 Candidates £1400

With additional places being £140 per candidate.

Train the trainer courses will follow the initial rollout (TBC).

The syllabus is available here.

The course ties in with work undertaken by a joint working group including NPCC, RCN, College of Paramedics UKAFNP & RCEM to update the current FFLM guidance and will refer practitioners to the tools and guidance produced by this working group at our CED Hub

For corporate enquiries, to arrange block bookings please complete this form.

For individuals, a training course is being run on 15 January 2025  at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine, London. For more information and to book, click here.

For any other individual enquiries, please complete this form.