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FFLM Examinations

In line with many Royal Colleges and other institutions, we are moving to online written exams.

As well as mitigating the risk of candidates having to miss exams due to local lockdowns, we hope this will also make it easier for those candidates who may have difficulties travelling to examination centres.

All October 2020 candidates have been informed about this and further information will be sent to them in due course.

Our short-answer-question (SAQ) exams, which take place in March, may also be online. That exam is normally on the Friday immediately before the Saturday Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE). This may need to change so that candidates don’t have to travel after doing their SAQs. The Objective Structured Practical Examination (OSPE) date, which’s normally on the Thursday before the SAQ, may also need to be changed.

Should you have any queries about this, please email our Exams Manager,  forensic.medicine@fflm.ac.uk