
The FFLM currently offers four exams

Please click on each, below, in the grey boxes, for further information. Our candidates are paramedics, doctors, nurses, lawyers, dentists, among other healthcare professionals.

For information on fees, diary and our cancellations policy please click here. Exact exam dates, if available, can be found below, in the grey boxes.

All written-exams (DLM, Part 1 exams and Part 2 SAQ exams) are online. Candidates must read the available information on the TestReach’s website. Part 2 OSCE and OSPE candidates must familiarise themselves with Microsoft Teams as the OSPEs and the majority of OSCEs are also done online.

Results are normally published within four weeks from the date(s) of the exam(s).

Note that membership is not automatic following success in our exams. Neither is it obligatory. Successful candidates need to apply for membership (Membership, Licentiateship, Affiliateship or Associateship) separately. Any queries about membership should be sent to Ms Charlene Campbell, at charlene.campbell@fflm.ac.uk. Membership Benefits can be found here. Candidates will know that membership is required if you wish to use the postnominals, as we are obliged to ensure that anyone using the postnominals is in good standing with our Faculty. If candidates choose not to apply for membership, they cannot use the postnominals. Our exams are recognised and form part of candidates’ CVs, however.

If you have questions on any of our courses, training and/or events please contact Mrs Tessa Lewis at tessa.lewis@fflm.ac.uk.

Should you have any queries about our exams, after studying the relevant webpages and their documents, please email our Examinations Manager,  exams@fflm.ac.uk.

Part 1 and DLM Exams – October 2024

The exams will be online on Friday 11 October.

The application period will be from Friday 31 May to Friday 5th July 2024.

Part 2 Exams – March and June 2025

The exams will take place on the following dates:

Online SAQs – Friday 7th March 2025

*Online OSCEs – Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th March 2025

*Face to Face OSCEs – Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th March 2025 (Venue TBC)

The application period for the 2025 exams will be from Friday 1st November to Friday 29th November 2024.

*OSCE Candidates – please ensure you are available on both Saturday and Sunday for the online and face to face exams. GFM and SOM dates will be confirmed in the New Year.

The application period for the Part 1 and DLM exams 2024 is now open!

We are now accepting applications for the Part 1 and DLM exams! The exams will take place online on Friday 11 October.

Please note the application period closes on Friday 5th July.

Should you have any queries regarding the exams or the application process, please email exams@fflm.ac.uk.

Apply Now

Part 1 and DLM dates

The application period will be from Friday 31 May to Friday 05 July 2024.

The exams will be on Friday 11 October 2024.

ASET holders can apply for the Part 2 exam, should they be eligible to do so, straight after passing the Part 1 LFFLM (SOM or GFM) exam.

Part 2 dates

The application period for the 2024 exams will be from 01 to 29 November 2023.

Exam dates:

The MLM OSPE: Thursday 07 March 2024.

SAQ exams: Friday 08 March 2024.

The first part of the OSCE exams, for SOM and GFM candidates, will be on Saturday 09 and Sunday 10 March 2024.
Up to 10 stations for each subspecialty will be done then, online.

The second part of the OSCE exams will be on Saturday 08 June 2024 .
Up to four stations for each subspecialty will be done then, face to face, in Central London.

Please remember that written projects, COVEs and Portfolios, can be sent by email at any time after the candidate has passed the Part 1 exam.
The Part 2 OSCE exam and the two written projects must be submitted before the Part 1 result expires (it is valid for four years).

Exam News

Medico-legal Medicine Part 2 Exam

In March and June 2024, the Faculty will be holding the Part 2 examinations for the Membership and Licentiate candidates in sexual offence medicine, (SOM) and general forensic medicine, (GFM).

The Faculty is not able to offer a Part 2 examination for Medicolegal Medicine (MLM) candidates. In addition, a revision of the format of this examination is underway. The Faculty plans to offer the Part 2 MLM examination in 2025 and apologises to those who were planning to sit the examination in March 2024. Candidates for whom the validity of their Part 1 pass would ‘expire’ in 2024 will be offered a one-year extension, in order that they will remain eligible to apply to sit the Part 2 examination in March 2025.

AFFLM (DLM) and Assoc (DLM)

From November 2021 successful DLM candidates who obtained Distinction can apply to become an Associate or Affiliate of our Faculty and, once a member, may use the postnominal AFFLM (DLM) or Assoc (DLM) instead of just DLM. This applies to all successful Part 1 MFFLM candidates too, as they have in effect passed the DLM exam with Distinction (the same paper is used).

Scenesafe Prize

We are delighted to announce that Scenesafe will provide a prize of £250 to the candidate with the top mark for the Part 1 MFFLM/DLM exam in 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024.

The 2021 winner is Dr Alison Young!
The 2022 winner is Heidi Mounsey!
The 2023 winner is Dr Emma Green!

Written Exams Online

All our written exams (Part 1, DLM and SAQs) as well as our OSPEs - and most of our OSCEs, are now online (candidates can sit them at home), either via Microsoft Teams or TestReach.

Portfolio Information For 2024 Part 2 LFFLM GFM Candidates Only

Please select the button below to view the previous version of the Regulations, and Syllabus for the LFFLM GFM Examination where you will find guidance on submitting your Portfolio.

LFFLM GFM Regulations, Syllabus and Information for Candidates

Portfolio Information For 2024 Part 2 LFFLM SOM Candidates Only

Please select the button below to view the previous version of the Regulations, and Syllabus for the LFFLM SOM Examination where you will find guidance on submitting your Portfolio.

LFFLM SOM Regulations, Syllabus and Information for Candidates

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