It is all too easy sometimes to find yourself struggling or looking for support. The most important thing to remember is you are not alone. There are a host of resources available to support you and we would like to signpost you to some of them here.
Remember, it’s ok not to be ok, protecting the vulnerable is not just about our patients or clients, we need to take time to look after ourselves and our colleagues.
You may wish to view our webinar on wellness and wellbeing by Dr Emma Vaux

Online Resources
The links below will open in a new tab on your browser to allow you to easily return to this page
If you are aware of any useful resources we may have missed please email with suggestions for us to consider

Royal College of Physicians
Our parent college has a host of resources shining a spotlight on the mental health & wellbeing of physicians.

NHS Practitioner Health
A free, confidential NHS service for doctors and dentists across England with mental illness & addiction problems.

Academy of Medical Royal Colleges
The AoMRC has collated a range of useful resources to support clinicians.

Peer Support
Our parent college, the Royal College of Physicians, in conjunction with the Royal College of Psychiatrists has produced guidance setting out values, principles & practice of peer support.

Royal Medical Benevolent Fund
The RMBF is a UK charity for doctors, medical students and their families. They have been providing practical assistance for those in need for over 180 years.

British Medical Association
The BMA have a range of services & information to help support BMA members. The counselling service is open 24/7 to doctors, medical students & their immediate family (whether members or not). It’s confidential & free of charge.

British Medical Journal
Doctors' wellbeing is a key priority for The BMJ. They have collated a range of content and resources to support wellbeing.

College of Paramedics
The CoP has a Mental Health & Wellbeing Steering Group who have a resource site with tailored guidance for paramedics

Royal College of General Practitioners
The GP Wellbeing service is an online course offering advice on stress management, alcohol, nutrition, exercise and substance misuse. It is free to use.

The Mindfulness Initiative
A curated list of free mindfulness resources for health and care workers to support them through a time of crisis.

The Happiness Trap
Offering free resources that use Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) to treat conditions such as anixety, chronic pain, depression and stress.

Scottish National Wellbeing Hub
The Scottish Government has a hub for health & social care workers in Scotland

Health & Social Care Northern Ireland
This resource for our colleagues in Northern Ireland has a package of resources including a directory of local helplines for staff within trusts, local GP practices, & independent care providers

Health Education In Wales
Our Welsh colleagues have a range of resources available to them from HEIW
These applications are available for both Android & Apple phones

Offering exercises for sleep and meditation the app is free to download but does include in-app purchases