Student Affiliate Form

Student Affiliate Form

Step 1 of 3

  • This form is designed to allow those seeking to join the faculty as student affiliates to provide sufficient information to allow the Membership and Fellowship Committee (MFC) to make an appropriate decision.

    Information submitted via this form will be used to carry out any reasonable activity related to the administration of the FFLM Membership process and is held subject to relevant data protection legislation.

    Failure to complete all sections may result in rejection of the application as the Faculty considers this information is essential to enable the MFC to determine whether to recommend to the Board that an individual should be invited to join the Faculty.

    The MFC will assess the application based on the information within this form. Because of the innate variability of the structure and information contained within Curriculum Vitae (CV) the MFC will not consider them. Please DO NOT insert or attach CVs to this form.
  • Student Affiliates
    This category is open to full time students enrolled at an accredited university and are studying in a field and at an educational institution related to forensic and legal medicine.
  • All applications are reviewed and assessed by the MFC who may take advice at their discretion. It is a thorough but confidential process based on submitted information only and which does not involve the candidates directly.

    Following a decision by the MFC, representative of the MFC will write / email the applicant to inform them of the outcome. This outcome may include recommending that an applicant is more suited to an alternative membership group than that applied for. If the outcome is unfavourable the applicant may apply again. Please note – unsuccessful applicants are not automatically reviewed by the Faculty and so the onus is strictly on an applicant to submit a new application form if they wish to be re-considered by the MFC.

    Applications will be considered at the next appropriate meeting of the MFC. The closing dates for completed applications and the dates of the MFC meetings are available on the website.