National Police Care Network: Update September 2024


Dear Colleague

The following items are contained within this update:

  • National Police Care Network Update
  • National Police and Prison Care Network Webinars
  • NHS Police Healthcare Vacancies
  • FFLM Publications
  • JAS Safer Communities and Justice Statistics Monthly Data Report
  • National Trauma Transformation Programme – National Learning Event
  • Quality of Care Review Guidance Webinar
  • Forensic Network Events Newsletter – September 2024
  • Scottish Sentencing Council – Spotlight on Sentencing Circular (3rd Edition)
  • Royal College of Nursing Foundation – Education Grant
  • Institute for Addressing Strangulation (IFAS) – November Conference


National Police Care Network Update

Target Operating Model (TOM) Task and Finish Group Update

All 21 focus sessions are now completed and a draft target operating model has been developed. The Task and Finish Group will now focus on the key priorities and recommendations identified from the focus groups. We held four User Story Sessions with a variety of stakeholders to assist in shaping the Data element. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has contributed to this work and supported the development of this being taken forward at pace.


The National Police Care Network SharePoint Hub

The Hub is the place to find out the latest Police Network news and updates. Currently, we are only able to grant access to NHS colleagues, but we are looking to extend this to external colleagues when possible. If you are an NHS employee and would like access to the SharePoint Hub, please contact us at


National Prison Care & Police Care Network Webinars

 The National Police Care Network and National Prison Care Network have added to their programme of webinars for 2024/25.  Full details and registration can be found on the attached flyer.

  • 19 September, 10am-11:00am  Management of Cardiac Conditions in Custody
  • 30 October, 1pm-2pm  Acquired Brain Injury in the Justice System
  • 13 November, 12pm-1pm  Forensic Medical Services: DNA Decontamination and Issues with Contamination
  • 11 December, 1pm-2pm  Naloxone in Police and Prison Custody
  • 15 January, 12pm-1pm Management of Alcohol Conditions in Custody
  • 22 January, 1pm-2pm Police and Health – working together across complex systems to support people

Please feel free to share this with colleagues who may be interested in joining.



NHS Police Healthcare Vacancies


Faculty of Forensic & Legal Medicine (FFLM) – Updated Publications

Sent on behalf of the FFLM

 Please note that the following FFLM publications have recently been reviewed and updated:


JAS Safer Communities and Justice Statistics Monthly Data Report:  August Edition

The JAS Safer Communities & Justice Statistics Monthly Data Report for August 2024 been published on the Scottish Government website and can be found here .

The report contains summary statistics covering a number of important justice and safer communities statistics. There is also more detailed information on fire and prisons. In addition, the topic page near the end contains a summary from the Reconviction Rates in Scotland: 2020-21 Offender Cohort data, published last month.


National Trauma Transformation Programme – National Learning Event: Embedding trauma-informed and responsive organisations, systems and workforces

Wednesday 11 September 2024, 10am-12.30pm

Online, open to all

Join the National Trauma Transformation Programme to hear more about the progress, and impact of embedding a trauma-informed and responsive approach across Scotland services, systems and workforces. We’ll be sharing learning from a number of new reports published by the Improvement Service and the Scottish Government, and you will hear directly from local areas driving forward this work.

For more information and to register, click here


Quality of Care Review Guidance Webinar, Wednesday 25 September

*Sent on behalf of Excellence in Care, Healthcare Improvement Scotland*

The Excellence in Care (EiC) team are holding a Quality of Care (QoC) Review Guidance webinar on Wednesday 25th September, 10:00-11:10am. Those attending this webinar will find out about the new Quality of Care (QoC) Review Guidance developed as part of EiC in collaboration with Scottish Executive Nurse Directors (SEND) and stakeholders across the Health Boards.

The QoC Review Guidance supports a multi-professional ‘Once for Scotland’ approach to QoC reviews. This approach enables local teams to gain a deeper understanding of the standards and quality of care that is being delivered in their area, ultimately informing the sharing of good practice and enabling improvement. For more information, please refer to the attached and to register, please click here. Please note, the webinar is not being recorded.


Forensic Network Events Newsletter – September 2024

 Please see the attached the Forensic Network newsletter detailing upcoming events over the next few months. Several events are already sold out and spaces are filling up fast for others, so please ensure you book at the earliest opportunity to avoid missing out! Highlights include:

  • NOTA 2-Day Conference 2024
  • Clinical Forum: Prison
  • Mental Health in the Criminal Justice System: It’s Time for Reform – Please the attached flyer for further information.
  • Forensic Network Research Special Interest Group Annual Conference
  • HCR-20 V3
  • Risk for Sexual Violence Protocol Version 2 (RSVP-V2)


Scottish Sentencing Council – Spotlight on Sentencing Circular (3rd Edition)

(Newsletter attached)

 Public consultation on draft sentencing guidelines for rape offences

A public consultation on the draft guidelines is underway and people from all backgrounds, legal or otherwise, are being urged to offer their views to help ensure that the guidelines are fit for purpose.

The draft guidelines provide a matrix which sets out sentencing ranges of imprisonment relating to the seriousness of the offence. They also include discussion of sentences designed to protect the public into the future. These guidelines should be read alongside the Council’s guidelines ‘Principles and purposes of sentencing’, ‘The sentencing process’ and, where applicable, ‘Sentencing young people’.

For more information and to respond to the consultation please click here

The deadline for responding to the consultation is Friday, 18 October.

 Full information on current news can be found on the attached newsletter.


Royal College of Nursing Foundation – Education Grants

Sent on behalf of the Royal College of Nursing

The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) Foundation has opened its Autumn round of Education Grants, which are open to applications from nurses, midwives, nursing associates, maternity assistants, healthcare support workers, and student nurses. You do not need to be a member of the RCN to apply and the maximum amount for education grants available for continuous professional development is up to £1,600 and for student nurses it is £2,500.This is open to members and non-members.

For more information, click here.


Institute for Addressing Strangulation (IFAS) – November Conference

 Tackling Strangulation: Working Together to Save Lives

Tuesday 12 November 2024, 9.30am-4.30pm

‘The Midland’, Manchester for more information and to buy tickets, click here



Forensic Medical Science – Evening Seminar Series

*Sent on behalf of the Centre for Forensic Science*

Registration is now open for the Forensic Medical Science Evening Seminar Series, October 2024 – June 2025.

The attached flyer contains a link to the course.

If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact