The Institute for Addressing Strangulation


The Institute for Addressing Strangulation (IFAS) was established in October 2022, following the introduction of new legislation on strangulation and suffocation as a stand-alone offence.

Prior to this strangulation and suffocation did not have the focus required given the dangers of the offence and tended either to be not charged at all or charged as a generic offence such as common assault, or sometimes actual bodily harm.

By recognising strangulation as a stand alone offence highlights the severity of strangulation and the deep impact on the victim/ survivor.

The message is clear. There is no safe way to strangle.

The Institute aims to raise awareness of strangulation and the associated risks, conduct research, develop resources, and to train professionals in responding to and supporting victims/survivors of these assaults. IFAS works in partnership with SafeLives and Bangor University.

The Institute will lead on guiding professionals through the best practice in supporting victims/ survivors of strangulation through a medical and forensic lens.

Funded by the Home Office, The Institute for Addressing Strangulation (IFAS) sits within the Faculty of Forensic & Legal Medicine (FFLM).

The FFLM is a registered charity set up to develop and maintain the highest possible standards of competence and professional integrity in forensic and legal medicine.

Upcoming Webinar Series – Autumn 2024

The next IFAS webinar series on Non-Fatal Strangulation (NFS) will take place in the autumn from 10 September to 05 November.

The dates and sessions are as follows:

Tuesday 10 September 19:00 – 20:00 NFS: What every good forensic clinician needs to know
Monday 16 September 11:00 – 12:00 Clinical Management of Acute NFS
Tuesday 24 September 12:00 – 13:00 NFS and Radiological Imaging
Tuesday 01 October 12:00 – 13:00 NFS and the Impact on the Brain
Tuesday 08 October 10:00 – 12:00 Investigating and Prosecuting NFS
Tuesday 05 November 15:00 – 16:00 Strangulation and sexual health





These webinars are free to attend. If you would like to book your place, please click here.

IFAS Website

Click here to visit the IFAS website to access their resources and find out more about training/upcoming events:

Useful External Resources

Useful Publications

View all publications  

8 February 2024

IFAS Guidelines for Clinical Management of Non-Fatal Strangulation in Acute and Emergency Care Services

23 July 2023

Non-fatal strangulation in physical and sexual assault

30 May 2013

Proforma – Body diagrams

15 September 2022

Recommendations for Introductory Training Courses in Sexual Offence Medicine (SOM)

16 September 2022

FFLM Quality Standards in Forensic Medicine

Institute for Addressing Strangulation Enquiry

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