Subscription fees

The subscription rates shown below are valid for the subscription year  01 July 2022 to 30 June 2023.

The subscription renewal date each year is 01 July, so if you have joined in any other month, you only need to pay a pro-rated subscription.

British Isles and Ireland
Member Type Joining Fee (single payment) Annual Subscription 22-23 Annual Subscription 23-24
Associate n/a £165.00 £165.00
Affiliate n/a £250.00 £250.00
Nurse/Midwife Affiliate n/a £109.00 £30.00
Paramedic Affiliate n/a £109.00 £30.00
Pharmacist Affiliate n/a £109.00 £30.00
Optician Affiliate n/a £109.00 £30.00
Student Affiliate n/a £27.00 £27.00
Licentiate n/a £355.00 £355.00
Member £250.00 £549.00 £549.00
Fellow £300.00 £549.00 £549.00
Member Type Joining Fee (single payment) Annual Subscription 22-23 Annual Subscription 23-24
Associate n/a £82.50 £82.50
Affiliate n/a £125.00 £125.00
Nurse/Midwife Affiliate n/a £109.00 £30.00
Paramedic Affiliate n/a £109.00 £30.00
Pharmacist Affiliate n/a £109.00 £30.00
Optician Affiliate n/a £109.00 £30.00
Student Affiliate n/a £27.00 £27.00
Licentiate n/a £177.50 £177.50
Member £250.00 £274.50 £274.50
Fellow £300.00 £274.50 £274.50
Member Type Joining Fee (single payment) Annual Subscription 22-23 Annual Subscription 23-24
Member n/a £259.00 £259.00
Fellow n/a £259.00 £259.00
Member – GMC License relinquished n/a £118.00 £118.00
Fellow – GMC License relinquished n/a £118.00 £118.00

Please download the Form of Faith using the link below and return to the Faculty via email along with the membership payment.

Download Form of Faith


Reduced subscription rates

Please find below a document which details situations where FFLM will consider reducing your subscription rate.

Subscription Variances


Arrears and Re-joining Fees

Any Fellow, Member, Licentiate, Affiliate or Associate who is more than 3 months in arrears with payment of any annual subscription will be deemed to have let his/her membership lapse and shall be removed from the register. In order to renew membership, a re-joining fee of £50 plus any outstanding unpaid subscriptions must be paid.

If a lapsed member wishes to re-join over 1 year after their membership has lapsed, he/she will be invited to submit a new application form and will be charged the standard joining and subscription fee.

Payment plans

The following payment plans are available for subscription renewals.

  • One annual payment made by direct debit or credit/debit card;
  • Two instalments to be taken by direct debit on 01 July and 01 August (or nearest working day);
  • Four instalments to be taken by direct debit on 01 July, 01 August, 01 September, and 01 October (or nearest working day).
  • 10 instalments to be taken on 01 July, 01 August, 01 September, 01 October, 01 November, 01 December, 01 January, 01 February, 01 March, 01 April.

Payment plans need to be set up by the end of July, they can be applied for using this form.