
Membership Benefits

Licentiates have:

Access to Members’ only content e.g. documents, committee information, Members list

Access to the Royal College of Physicians Library and Information Centre

Access to the Royal College of Physicians Accommodation

Access to FFLM member rate for courses and conferences

Access to FFLM weekly bulletin

Online access to the Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine

Access to connect to the FFLM’s GMC-appointed Suitable Person

Access to our list of Appraisers

Post-nominals LFFLM

Diploma of Membership

Voting rights

Description of Benefits

Eligibility & Application

Membership can be obtained by passing one of the examinations below:


Licentiate of the Faculty of Forensic & Legal Medicine  (Sexual Offence Medicine) – LFFLM (SOM)

Licentiate of the Faculty of Forensic & Legal Medicine (General Forensic Medicine) – LFFLM (GFM)


On receiving notification that you have passed the examination, you are not automatically made a member, but you may then apply for Licentiate membership via the online form, pay the subscription fee and return a signed form of faith.  Your application will then be presented to the Board for ratification.  After Board ratification, your diploma certificate will be prepared and you will have the choice to have this presented at the next Annual General Meeting, or posted to you.

The Examination application periods open for registration twice a year and detailed information is set out on the examination pages.




If you are a qualified healthcare professional, the FFLM needs to verify that you are registered with a professional regulatory body and that you are in good standing. Please provide the web address of your regulatory body to enable the FFLM to verify your status on-line. If you know it is not possible to verify your status on-line with your particular regulatory body, then please provide the full name and postal address of the body.

Please note: If you are a healthcare professional and the FFLM cannot verify that you are in good standing with a professional regulatory body, then your application for membership will not be successful.


Application fee – £0 (Examination fees available here)

UK Annual Membership – £355

Overseas Annual Membership – £177.50

Apply Now

If you have passed the examination you may apply immediately

Application form