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FFLM Appraiser Forum

Following feedback from the recent appraiser refresher session held on Tuesday 02 November 2021 it has been decided to establish an Appraiser Forum for FFLM Appraisers. This group would meet every six months to support appraisers who often work outside of organisations with clinical governance processes to support them. The first meeting of this forum is to be on Wednesday 16 March 2022 between 13:00 – 14:00. Please register your interest by emailing forensic.medicine@fflm.ac.uk.

There was also a request for a ‘HELP point ‘ for an appraiser who is new and having difficulties (not with serious concerns that should be flagged to the RO/Suitable Person) and the FFLM is happy to provide this. Any requests for assistance should go to forensic.medicine@fflm.ac.uk.

Dr Mike Devlin, Vice President Legal Medicine and Professor Margaret Stark, Immediate Past President