FFLM Webinars – Forensic Science in Crisis

Presented by Professor Niamh Nic Daeid, Director, Leverhulme Research Centre for Forensic Science.

This webinar will present a broad review of the current state of forensic science within the context of underpinning scientific robustness and fitness for purpose in how scientific evidence is presented in the service of the justice system.  This presentation will touch on the challenges faced by forensic science, including forensic odontology, its practice and communication across the justice system, from the crime scene to the courtroom as well as opportunities for a brighter future.

This webinar is free for FFLM Members (Affiliates, Associates, Fellows, Licentiates and Members) to view. Please click here to view the webinar (please note you will need to be logged into the FFLM website first).

For non-members, the webinar is £10.00 to view. You will be sent the link to view the recording on receipt of payment.



5th Oct 2022, 19:00 to 20:00

Booking closes:
5th Oct 2028, 16:00



United Kingdom

Type: Internal
Sub type: FFLM CPD Awarded
CPD Points: 1

Non-member Price: £10.00

Member Price: £0.00

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