FFLM Virtual Adult Safeguarding Day

We are pleased to advise that we will be holding our first virtual Adult Safeguarding day on Saturday 23 April 2022.

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Dr Elisabeth Alton, Named Doctor for Adult Safeguarding;
  • DI Craig Nicholson, Humberside Police Major Crime Team;
  • Mrs Sally Robinson, District Crown Prosecutor and Assistant Coroner;
  • Prof Margaret Stark, Consultant Forensic Physician;
  • Jacqueline Thomas QC, Joint Head of Chambers, Spire Barristers.


The programme for the day is as follows:

As NHSE&I are sponsoring the event, NENC Forensic Examination Pilot CCG working group members and FFLM Members (Affiliates, Associates, Fellows, Licentiates and Members) can attend for free.

To book your place, please click “Continue to booking” on the right-hand side. Please note you will need to log into the FFLM website to access the member rate.

If you have any questions, please contact tessa.lewis@fflm.ac.uk.



23rd Apr 2022, 09:45 to 16:00

Booking closes:
22nd Apr 2022, 16:00



United Kingdom

Type: Internal
