FFLM Forensic Aspects of Adult Safeguarding Forum – September 2023

The FFLM Forensic Aspects of Adult Safeguarding Forum will next be meeting on Wednesday 27 September 2023 at 13:00.

The group meets every quarter to discuss/review cases and share professional experiences in a relaxed environment.

Chaired by Prof Margaret Stark, Consultant Forensic Physician and Dr Elisabeth Alton, Named Doctor for Safeguarding Adults.

Please register your interest in attending by either clicking ‘continue to booking’ on the right-hand side of the page or by emailing forensic.medicine@fflm.ac.uk.

This forum is free for FFLM Members to attend.

If you have any queries, please contact tessa.lewis@fflm.ac.uk.



27th Sep 2023, 13:00 to 14:00

Booking closes:
27th Sep 2023, 12:00



United Kingdom

Type: Internal

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