CPD Course Accreditation Review Form CPD Course Accreditation Review Form Course DetailsCourse Reference Number*Course Name*Location of the course*VirtualIn PersonHyrbidReviewer Name*1. Course Assessment*Is the following material available in order to allow course assessment? Select All Course programme (including agenda, timings, names of educators, and details of educational content) Stated learning objectives for the course Details of presenters including qualifications and background or CV Details of target audience Course location Declaration of potential conflicts of interest Details of evaluation of previous courses for same provider 2. Have any sponsorship (e.g. pharmaceutical) or interests of the programme planner, presenters or facilitators been declared on the application form?* Yes No Comments3. Is it clear that any commercial interests declared will not influence the structure or content of the event?* Yes No Comments4. Has sufficient information (in the form of a CV or mini bio) been provided to demonstrate that the presenters or facilitators have the expertise to deliver the learning objectives using the methods chosen?* Yes No Comments5. Is there a procedure in place for evaluation of the event?* Yes No Comments6. Is the evaluation record for previous events organised by the same provider satisfactory, or have reasons for unsatisfactory ratings have been addressed?* Yes No Comments7. Has the provider confirmed that certificates of attendance will be issued and agreed to supply to the participant or the Faculty, on request, confirmation of participation any time up to one year after the event has taken place?* Yes No Comments8. Are the learning objectives specifically defined and will the course/educational content address the stated learning objectives?* Yes No Comments9. Are the teaching methods proposed capable of achieving the stated learning objectives?* Yes No Comments10. Are the learning objectives consistent with FFLM Quality Standards* Yes No Comments11. Bearing in mind the relevance of the learning objectives to the generic and specialty specific core competencies, is the course appropriate for the target audience?* Yes No CommentsShould the course be accredited for CPD?* Yes No CommentsCPD Points awarded for attendance:* (maximum 6 points per day, only whole not part points )Does this require an additional review?* Yes No CommentsConsent* I agree to the privacy policy.To be virtually signed* Please select this box to virtually agree to all of the above statements.NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.