CPD Fees

Fees for course / event accreditation

Non-commercial providers Commercial Providers
Courses of 1day or less £25.00 £100.00
Each additional day or part of day £25.00 £100.00
Resubmission fee
(waived for first resubmission of courses that initiall failed to get accreditation)
(regardless of number of days)
Recurrent courses (i.e. every quarter)
(The course must be substantially the same as another FFLM accredited course. Material should be resubmitted on each occasion in case the review criteria change etc.
(per repeat course providing no changes to the course material submitted have been made)



Short session course exemption

Where a course is run as a number of short teaching sessions (2 hours or less) over multiple days then a cap is applied to the fee levied based on the total number of verifiable hours of teaching on the course as though the course was being provided over a series of 4-hour days.

For example:

i. A non-commercial course run for 2 hours each Monday lunchtime spread over 6 weeks would currently attract a fee of 6x£25 = £150. Had that course been run over 2 6-hour days we would have charged £50. Under the proposed model the fee levied would be capped at £75 (12/4 hoursx£25)

ii. A commercial course running for 1.5 hours once a week on an evening after work for 8 weeks would usually attract a fee of £100 + 7x£50 = £450. Under the proposed model the fee levied would be 1x£100 (for the first 4 hours) + 2x£50 for the other 8 hours = £200.

There are a maximum of 6 CPD points per day.