FFLM Introductory Course in General Forensic Medicine

The FFLM Course in General Forensic Medicine (accredited by Teesside University) is aimed at newly-appointed or prospective forensic physicians, nurses and paramedics. This year, it will be run on:

  • Monday 14 to Friday 18 October 2024.

Students undertaking the training will be automatically enrolled for the University Certificate in Postgraduate Professional Development (UCPPD) in General Forensic Medicine and can study for this University Certificate whilst undertaking duties within the working environment.

There are two days of face-to-face teaching (on Monday and Tuesday) and the rest of the course is delivered remotely. The face-to-face training takes place in London.

The course covers the following five modules:

  • Module 1: Role of the Healthcare Professional (HCP) working in a multidisciplinary team; Personal safety and conflict resolution; Consent, confidentiality and ethics; Safeguarding.
  • Module 2: Fitness to detain, transfer and record-keeping; Fitness to interview and charge; Administering medication; Assessment of mental health and fitness to release.
  • Module 3: Traffic medicine – procedures under the Road Traffic Acts; Substance use disorders; forensic science and sampling.
  • Module 4: Documentation, interpretation and management of injuries; Management of alleged restraint injuries; HCP at the scene of death; Death in custody and the Independent Investigation of Deaths in Custody.
  • Module 5: Statement writing; The Court system.

The course is assessed in two areas:

  • Court Room Presentation undertaken during the taught element of the course on Friday;
  • Reflective case study (2000-word essay to be submitted four weeks after the course).

For more details and to book your place, please click here.

Those who attend the FFLM Course in General Forensic Medicine are eligible for a 10% discount on FFLM membership fees for the first year (if they choose to join).