Undergraduate Student Poster Competition

We are very pleased to invite undergraduate entries for the Poster Presentation section of our Annual Conference in Liverpool on Friday 09 and Saturday 10 May 2025.

A prize of £250 book tokens will be awarded to the best poster presentation, as determined by the Academic Dean and Conference Subcommittee. In the event of more than one winning entry, the prize will be divided equally.

The content of the poster must relate to an aspect of forensic or legal medicine:

  • General Forensic Medicine
  • Sexual Offence Medicine
  • Medico-legal or Dento-legal Medicine
  • Forensic Pathology
  • Coronial System

Up to six candidates will be short-listed and will receive a complimentary invitation to attend the Annual Conference on Saturday 10 May 2025 including lunch and entry to all sessions. We will also cover reasonable UK-based and the Republic of Ireland travel expenses (please note we will not cover any accommodation costs).

A summary of the poster in the form of an abstract should be submitted, with the deadline for receipt of entries being Sunday 09 March 2025. Please use the form below to submit your abstract.

All entrants will be notified as to whether they have been short-listed or not by Friday 21 March 2025.

Good luck! For further enquiries, please get in touch with forensic.medicine@fflm.ac.uk.

Poster Presentation FAQs

Undergraduate Student Poster Competition 2025

  • We're delighted you are submitting an abstract to present a poster at the FFLM Annual Conference on Saturday 10 May 2025. Please use the form below to submit your abstract.