Conference Delegate Page

We are delighted you are joining us for our Annual Conference at the Royal College of Pathologists in London on Friday 10 and Saturday 11 May. There is an excellent programme to look forward to.

The conference materials can be viewed below.

If you have any questions, please contact us at

Sponsors / Exhibitors

Undergraduate Student Poster Competition

We’re very pleased to have the students listed below attending the conference this year to present their posters.

Female Child Sex Offenders: An Overlooked Minority
Ariana Axiaq

How far do pathological findings support the theory that the potential cause of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) lies solely with external factors?
Victoria Barker

An insight into autism spectrum disorder and sexual offences; examining the factors that predispose autistic individuals to be victimised
Esther Davies

Preventable Deaths related to Thromboembolism in England and Wales, 2013-2022: A Systematic Case Series of Coroners' Reports
Harrison France

Rapid Review: Ascertaining the type of potentially life-threatening cardiovascular events and eventual cardiovascular mortality from antipsychotic use in clinical practice
Oscar Han

Forensic Neuropathology: Innovative Methods Used for Understanding Traumatic Brain Injuries in Legal Settings
Shams Hayder

Empowering Investigations: Harnessing the pharmacokinetics of Gamma Hydroxybutyrate (GHB) in Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault Cases
Tayha Jupe

Radiology in the Investigation of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)
Ramisha Khan

Femicide in Ireland 2012-2023
Kate McGoldrick

Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) training in medical education
Divine Mwawasi

Locked-In Parenthood: Assessing Prison Inmates Rights for IVF Treatment
Shakthi Nandakumar

Is the ‘Best Interest’ the best we have? How does the Harm Threshold compare to the current Best Interest Standard used within paediatric decision-making? An ethical and legal perspective
Mya Patel-Vathvali

How Teeth Solve Crimes
Allen Sanju

Refining Fingerprint Analysis: Identifying Problems with ACE-V and Opportunities for Advancement
Oliver Webb

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