Memorial Funds

This information has been prepared on behalf of the Administrators of the W G Johnston Memorial Fund and the David Jenkins Memorial Fund to provide assistance and specific guidance to FFLM Fellows, Members and Affiliates who might wish to seek financial support from the funds; in particular from the W G Johnston Fund.

W G Johnston Memorial Trust Fund

David Jenkins Memorial Fund

David Jenkins Chair Proposal Form

2Proposer Details
3Nominee Details
  • The David Jenkins Chair is awarded on an annual basis to a person of eminence. The award is for one year and there is a precondition that the recipient undertakes some form of research linked to forensic and legal medicine and present that work at the FFLM Annual Conference.

    Information submitted via this form will be used to carry out any reasonable activity related to the administration of the FFLM Memorial Funds and is held subject to relevant data protection legislation.

    This form is designed to allow proposers to provide information about candidates proposed for the David Jenkins Chair.

    The proposal will be submitted to the FFLM Board for consideration.

David Jenkins Chair

Prof Michael Freeman 2024/25
Dr Cath White 2023/24
Prof Jonathan Harris 2022/23
Dr Maria Nittis 2021/22
Prof Philip Lumb 2020/21
COVID Pandemic 2019/20
Prof Suzy Lishman 2018/19
Dr Priya Singh 2017/18
HH Judge Paul Matthews 2016/17
Prof Guy Rutty MBE 2015/16
Prof Cristina Cattaneo 2014/15
HH Judge Peter Thornton QC 2013/14
Dr Miranda Horvath 2012/13
Dr Margaret Stark 2011/12
Dr Jacqui Mok 2010/11
Dr Guy Norfolk 2009/10
Prof Jason Payne-James 2008/09
Prof Ian Wall 2007/08

