Get Involved
If you are interested in any of the below FFLM roles, please complete the FFLM Role Application Form.
FFLM Salaried Positions
No vacancies at present
Voluntary positions
There are many opportunities to contribute to your Faculty. If you are interested in serving as a Senior Officer or participating on one of the FFLM committees, representing the FFLM at external committees and working groups or reviewing e-learning modules, this is the page to find something to match your skills.
Educational Advisor for the Faculty
We are seeking to appoint an Educational Consultant to assist the Chief Examiner and Academic Dean in setting, assessing and reviewing the Faculty examinations each year. The role will be flexible, with hours depending on the time of year and examinations being held. The role will be remunerated at an hourly rate, to be agreed at interview and dependent on experience. Qualifications and experience in education essential. Please send a copy of your CV and a covering letter outlining your suitability for the post to Kim Feltham, Examinations Manager at
We could not provide the FFLM examinations without the essential contribution of our team of examiners.
We are looking to expand our examinations team – being an examiner provides an opportunity to support the FFLM and guide the future direction of forensic and legal medicine.
Please read our document ‘Roles and Duties of FFLM Examiners' to learn more about the role.
Licentiate Examiner
The Faculty are seeking expressions of interest from Licentiate members, who passed all components of the Licentiate examination at least 2 years ago, for the role of examiner to assist in the part 1 Licentiate exam. The role is a voluntary one and training and support will be offered. If you are interested please send a copy of your CV to Kim Feltham, Examinations Manager at
Senior Officers/Vice-Presidents
No vacancies at present
Board & Committees
No vacancies at present
External Positions
No vacancies at present