Conference Subcommittee

Conference Subcommittee Meeting Dates

September 2024 (TBC)

Conference Subcommittee Members

The current Chair of the Conference Subcommittee is Dr Anton van Dellen

Should you like to contact the chair please send an email to

Dr Anton van Dellen
Assistant Registrar & Conference Subcommittee Chair

Dr Bernadette Butler

Dr Iain Brew

Prof John Gall
Forensic Physician

Dr Alex Gorton
Previous Conference Secretary

Dr Deryn Evans
Academic Dean

Dr Amy Hamm

Prof Rudo Masanzu
Forensic Physician


Terms of Reference

The Committee reports directly to the FFLM Board.

  • To consider all matters relevant to the conferences of the Faculty.
  • To report to the Academic Committee arrangements for conferences in hand.
  • To report to the Academic Committee suggestions (from within the committee and without) for future conferences.
  • To consider all matters relating planning and delivery of conferences.
  • To consider all matters relating to joint conferences with which the Faculty may wish to be associated.
  • To prepare an annual budget of projected income and expenditure for consideration by the Treasurer and Executive Committee.
  • To recommend delegate fees for conferences for consideration by the Executive Committee.
  • To identify suitable academic topics and themes for conferences to reflect the work of all constituent elements of the Faculty.
  • To advise the Academic Committee on strategy relating to the content, planning and delivery of conferences.

FFLM Annual Conference 2024

The FFLM’s 17th Annual Conference will be at the Royal College of Pathologists in London on Friday 10 and Saturday 11 May 2024!

More information will be available soon.

Search Committee Vacancies below

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