Academic Committee
Academic Committee Meeting Dates
Monday 07 April 2025 09:30
Monday 07 July 2025 09:30
Monday 27 October 2025 09:30
Academic Committee Members
The current Chair of the Academic Committee is Dr Deryn Evans
Should you like to contact the chair please send an email to
Committee members
Dr Remy Bahl, FFLM Assistant Academic Dean
Dr Iain Brew, FFLM Registrar and SDS Clinician Representative
Dr Bernadette Butler, FFLM President
Dr David Carson, Scottish Representative
Dr Elaine Cook, FFLM Vice-President – Legal Medicine
Jessica Davidson, Nursing in Justice and Forensic Steering Committee Chair, Royal College of Nursing
Mrs Stacey Day, FFLM Vice-President – Allied Healthcare Professionals and Mental Health and Intellectual Disability Lead
Dr Anton van Dellen, FFLM Assistant Registrar and Conference Subcommittee Chair
Dr Deryn Evans, FFLM Academic Dean
Dr Sandy Fielding, FFLMChief Examiner
Dr Michael Freeman, FFLMResearch Subcommittee Chair and David Jenkins Chair 2024/25
Dr Joanne Gifford, RCPCH
Dr Alex Gorton, FFLMLess Lethal Weapons Lead, President-Elect
Dr Amy Hamm, FFLMTreasurer
Dr Helen Mills, FFLM Deputy Sexual Offence Medicine Lead
Dr Libby Sevink, FFLM Vice-President – Forensic Medicine
Prof Carol Seymour, FFLM Specialty Advisory Committee Chair
Ms Jennie Smith, UKAFN President
Prof Margaret Stark, FFLM Forensic Science Subcommittee Chair
Samantha Thompson, College of Paramedics
Dr Marie-Elle Vooijs, FFLM Sexual Offence Medicine Lead
Terms of Reference
The terms of reference of the Committee are set out in the Standing Orders of the Faculty, as follows:
- To consider all matters relevant to the examinations of the Faculty.
- To report the results of the Faculty’s awards following examinations.
- To consider all matters relating to the award of Diplomas, Licentiateship & Membership of the Faculty.
- To refer to the Membership and Fellowship Committee applications for Membership falling outside the current Regulations.
- To consider all matters relating to the formulation and interpretation of the Regulations for Membership.
- To recommend to the Board the appointment of representative(s) to examination Boards established by other bodies, for examinations which have been approved by the Board as being of value, or interest, to the specialty where those bodies have sought such appointment, or where it is thought to be in the interest of the Faculty.
- To determine the syllabus for each Faculty examination, appoint examiners and appoint a committee, or committees, to arrange and supervise the Faculty’s examinations.
- To consider all matters relating to research with which the Faculty may be associated.
- To prepare an annual budget of projected income and expenditure for consideration by the Treasurer and Senior Officers.
- To recommend fees for examinations and to recommend payments to examiners for consideration by the Senior Officers.
- An officer will be appointed by the Committee to be responsible for the budgeting for the costs of the examinations.
- To develop a U.K. research agenda for forensic and legal medicine. The agenda will reflect any nationally agreed research priorities and the need to develop evidence-based forensic and legal medical practice.
- To identify suitable research topics to implement the research agenda.
- To advise the Faculty on strategic direction of forensic and legal medical research.